Randkluft and bergschrund

I only just found out what a randkluft gap is. For years I’ve been wrongly calling it a bergschrund. I love how these words are readily known by German-speaking mountaineers and I am so late to the game despite it being in my field of study.

Wikipedia sets me straight: “A randkluft is similar to, but not identical with, a bergschrund, which is the place on a high-altitude glacier where the moving ice stream breaks away from the static ice frozen to the rock creating a large crevasse. Unlike a randkluft, a bergschrund has two ice walls.” and provides this helpful graphic.

And now I am already know something more in 2018 than I did in 2017. Keep learning, keep growing, so it is said!

About lindsey

Environmental scientist. I am glaciologist specialising in glacier-climate interactions to better understand the climate system. The point of this is to understand how glaciated envionments might change in the future - how the glaciers will respond and what the impact on associated water resources and hazard potential will be.
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