AGU calendar images

Well, after getting back from the field in January of this year the American Geophysical Union (AGU) sent out an email soliciting ‘postcards from the field’ to their Tumblr site, with the aim of highlighting the interesting fieldwork carried out by and places visited by earth scientists.

As I was looking through my pictures on that day I thought, ‘Oh why not, it takes but a minute’. And indeed it does take only a minute. You just have to write a short, plain english message to go along with your image, and you too can submit a postcard. Here is mine:


Anyway, 24 of the postcards submitted have been selected as finalists to be included in the AGU calendar for 2016, and my postcard was one of them. So, if you’d like to help us promote our research by getting this image in the AGU calendar, vote for this photo of Dr Sascha Bellaire at the edge of the Southern ice fields on Kibo, by ‘liking’ the image here, and also have a look at all the finalists – the Scottish glacier geomorphologist in me was especially pleased to see the Parallel Roads of Glen Roy in there, and also an entry from JIRP!

The maintenance of this automatic weather station on the summit of Kibo has been the work of Prof. Georg Kaser, Prof. Thomas Mölg, Dr. Nicolas Cullen and Dr. Doug Hardy, with some assistance from a number of other colleagues such as myself and Sascha, and with logistical support from the Marangu Hotel (who also use a moody image of mine taken from Kibo as their front page), and from Tanzanian National Parks and Tanzanian Government agencies.

*update: this photo was voted into 12th place so it just made the cut to be included in the calendar – thanks for your votes! 

About lindsey

Environmental scientist. I am glaciologist specialising in glacier-climate interactions to better understand the climate system. The point of this is to understand how glaciated envionments might change in the future - how the glaciers will respond and what the impact on associated water resources and hazard potential will be.
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