As more people, and more research groups get involved in undertaking glaciological research in the Solukhumbu region of Nepal, I decided it would be a good idea to maintain a form of online list of these research activities, so that:
(a) researchers can see what else is being done, and potentially share, data, resources, knowledge.
(b) local people (admittedly those with internet access, but that is increasing surprisingly rapidly) can be aware of the science going on in their region, and can approach people and get involved if they see fit.
The first point came to me after being frustrated at realizing that I knew several research groups going to the same glaciers with no knowledge of each others projects! The second, came from reading the outcomes of discussions with local people carried out by the Mountain Institute.
The website is here:
So go and have a look and find out what projects are going on! I’d like to thank all those who contributed information so far, and if you’d like to have access to the website to add and edit your own projects then just drop me an email and I will arrange it for you.