
I saw this on the (American Geophysical Union) AGU blogosphere [] and decided it is so great that I would like to repost it here as well, as it encapsulates a lot of the communication difficulties between scientists and non-scientists.

From the article “Communicating the Science of Climate Change,” by Richard C. J. Somerville and Susan Joy Hassol, from the October 2011 issue of Physics Today, page 48:Table from“Communicating the Science of Climate Change,” by Richard C. J. Somerville and Susan Joy Hassol

The full article is available here:

About lindsey

Environmental scientist. I am glaciologist specialising in glacier-climate interactions to better understand the climate system. The point of this is to understand how glaciated envionments might change in the future - how the glaciers will respond and what the impact on associated water resources and hazard potential will be.
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